Die wesentlichen Inhalte sind Fairness und Ehrbarkeit.
Cowboy Code
A cowboy never takes unfair advantage - even of an enemy.
A cowboy never betrays a trust. He never goes back on his word.
A cowboy always tells the truth.
A cowboy is kind and gentle to small children, old folks, and animals.
A cowboy is free from racial and religious intolerances.
A cowboy is always helpful when someone is in trouble.
A cowboy is always a good worker.
A cowboy respects womanhood, his parents and his nation's laws.
A cowboy is clean about his person in thought, word, and deed.
A cowboy is a Patriot.
Code of the West
Live each day with courage.
Take pride in your work.
Always finish what you start.
Do what has to be done.
Be tough, but fair.
When you make a promise, keep it.
Ride for the brand.
Talk less and say more.
Remember that some things aren't for sale.
Know where to draw the line.
In diesen Codes finden sich die Werte, die das Leben leichter und für alle angenehmer machen. Auch für ein normales Arbeitsumfeld in unserer Gesellschaft lassen sich die Codes leicht übertragen. Profitieren kann davon jeder, denn alle wünschen sich auch im Arbeitsleben einen harmonischen Umgang mit den Kollegen und Kolleginnen.
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