Expeditionen, Abenteuertouren, Survival, Bushcraft, Abenteuer Events
Beachtet bei allen Outdooraktivitäten bitte immer die gesetzlichen Regelungen und Vorgaben und eventuelle Naturschutzgesetze!
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Freitag, 14. August 2015
Donnerstag, 13. August 2015
Dienstag, 11. August 2015
If You Fall Ill Abroad, Should You Seek Local Help Or Head Home?
A Traveler’s Guide To The Risks Of Seeking Medical Care
International SOS rates medical care around the world, looking at local standards, availability of prescription drugs, cultural barriers and the threat of serious infectious diseases. The overall level of risk cannot be assessed in large, developing countries (shaded dark gray) because quality of care can vary dramatically between urban and rural parts.
UST Brands - Survival Tools
Ultimate Survival Technologies
offers a full range of products for survival situations and emergency
preparedness. From back-country rescue to home power outages, we are
continually innovating and adding new items to our best-selling UST line
of patented one-handed fire starters, cutting tools, signaling devices
and survival tools. With the introduction of the amazing 30-DAY™
Flashlight, UST continues to be the leader in long-life LED lighting,
offering the best lanterns and personal safety lights on the market.
Exploryx Fahrzeugmanufaktur

In einer Welt des Massentourismus ist es heute der Wunsch Vieler, sich abseits der Pauschalurlauber auf eigene Pfade zu begeben. Diese Menschen haben den Traum, aus Leidenschaft neues, unbekanntes und bisher unzugängliches Terrain zu erobern – das ist es, was die Faszination des Individualreisens ausmacht. Die Exploryx Fahrzeugmanufaktur konzipiert deshalb für Sie individuelle Allrad-Wohnmobile und Expeditionsfahrzeuge, die ein perfekter Begleiter für Ihre Reiseabenteuer sind.
AIESEC - Youth connection to NGO´s

are one of the world’s largest providers of high-calibre youth talent
and volunteers. We develop the next generation of leaders and connect
them with businesses and NGO’s.
We proudly count a
Nobel Peace Prize laureate and numerous world, business and NGO leaders
amongst our one million strong alumni community. To date, we’ve
delivered over 480,000 internship and volunteering experiences, and it’s
all been led by young leaders who believe in making the world a better
Nacktwandern in Deutschland
Nacktwandern findet nicht nur in Deutschland immer mehr Anhänger, Nacktwandern ist ein internationaler Trend der Nudisten.
Neben offiziellen Nacktwanderwegen werden auch in etwas abgelegenen Gebieten Nacktabenteuerwochenenden in der Natur angeboten, dabei erkundet man die Flora und Fauna des jeweiligen Gebietes.
Neben offiziellen Nacktwanderwegen werden auch in etwas abgelegenen Gebieten Nacktabenteuerwochenenden in der Natur angeboten, dabei erkundet man die Flora und Fauna des jeweiligen Gebietes.
Urlaub auf dem Hausboot in Kanada
Große Auswahl an Hausbooten für Familien und Gruppen
(Source: Waterwayhouseboats)

The 5 Safest And Most Peaceful Places To Live In Alaska
Safety is always a priority, even in a state where the largest city has a
population of less than 300,000 people. Living in an unsafe town can be
a deal breaker for many families and since Alaska is made up of so many
different towns, it’s always nice to know what some of the safest
places to live really are.
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Dienstag, 4. August 2015
What To Do When The Pilot Is Unconscious

Illustrations by Adam Grason
By William Woodbury /
Published: Jul 10, 2015
It's every passenger's worst nightmare. The flight is going
smoothly and then, out of nowhere, the pilot convulses and passes out at
the controls. Suddenly, the front-seat passenger is faced with the most
daunting challenge he or she may likely ever face: to control the
airplane and land it safely in more or less one piece, and walk away
with only a bad memory.Read more:
Samstag, 1. August 2015
Solo Backpacking Tents
Knowing that the three biggest items to affect your total pack weight are your tent, backpack and sleeping bag, investing in the lightweight options can be the most cost effective way to reduce your load. Choosing the right one man backpacking tent for you is a decision that should be influenced by where, when and how you camp.
Source: Picture and Text: wildernessadventuretravel
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Making the most of a Botswana horse safari
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation.
Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland.
As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
Written by: Jane Cook
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
To make the most of our short time in Botswana, our group opted to start our safari with a one night stay at a lodge that included a morning horseback safari.
Once we had landed in Maun, we were picked up by our friendly guide and driven through the small town for 25 minutes to our accommodation. Even in this short amount of time it felt as if we were being transported deep in to the bush.
Our lodge was situated in a private reserve on the edge of the Thamalakane River, where an astonishingly diverse range of wildlife roams the acacia woodland. As we entered the reserve just before sunset we were graced with the presence of zebra, giraffe and vervet monkeys.
- See more at: http://africageographic.com/blog/making-the-most-of-a-botswana-horse-safari/#sthash.tgZ1hbbH.dpuf
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